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Antjie Krog

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Krog, 2019

Antjie Krog (aangetroude van Samuel; *23 Oktober 1952, Kroonstad -) is 'n prominente Suid-Afrikaanse digter, akademikus en skrywer. Sy publiseer meeste van haar werke onder haar nooiensvan, Krog.

Met bronne

  • Gee vir my 'n land waar swart en wit hand aan hand vrede en liefde kan bring in my mooi land.
  • I'm a poet. I distrust anything that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop because people don't think in full, clear sentences.
  • And everyone wants to know: Who? Why? The victims ask the hardest of all the questions: How is it possible that the person I loved so much lit no spark of humanity in you?
  • By not dealing with past human rights violations, we are not simply protecting the perpetrators' trivial old age ; we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.
  • It's hard for me to speak, whether in English or Afrikaans. The reason I write is because I cannot speak. I feel blunt.